Get In Touch
Woodland Lodge is managed by Screetons Estate Agents. During normal office hours, please call the Screetons Office. If you are calling outside normal office hours, please call the Out Of Hours number.
Woodland Lodge is also available to hire as a venue, without the use of the bedrooms, for events such as a one-day commercial event, a weekend retreat or a wedding celebration. You are very welcome to view Woodland Lodge prior to booking, just get in touch to arrange your visit.
Get In Touch
Woodland Lodge is managed by Screetons Estate Agents. During normal office hours, please call the Screetons Office. If you are calling outside normal office hours, please call the Out Of Hours number.
Woodland Lodge is also available to hire as a venue, without the use of the bedrooms, for events such as a one day commercial event, a weekend retreat or a wedding celebration. You are very welcome to view Woodland Lodge prior to booking, just get in touch to arrange your visit.
Get In Touch
Woodland Lodge is managed by Screetons Estate Agents. During normal office hours, please call the Screetons Office. If you are calling outside normal office hours, please call the Out Of Hours number.
Woodland Lodge is also available to hire as a venue, without the use of the bedrooms, for events such as a one day commercial event, a weekend retreat or a wedding celebration. You are very welcome to view Woodland Lodge prior to booking, just get in touch to arrange your visit.
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Woodland Lodge
Barmby Lane, Bishopsoil, Eastrington
East Yorkshire, DN14 7QW
Please do not use this address with your sat-nav.
Instructions for navigating to Woodland Lodge are detailed below.
Send us a message
Please read our Privacy Policy here. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
Woodland Lodge
Barmby Lane, Bishopsoil, Eastrington
East Yorkshire, DN14 7QW
Please do not use this address with your sat-nav.
Instructions for navigating to Woodland Lodge are detailed below.
Send us a message
Please read our Privacy Policy here. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
Woodland Lodge
Barmby Lane, Bishopsoil, Eastrington
East Yorkshire, DN14 7QW
Please do not use this address with your sat-nav.
Instructions for navigating to Woodland Lodge are detailed below.
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Check availability & view tariffs
Getting Here
If you are using a sat-nav to reach Woodland Lodge, please do not use the house address or our postcode to navigate, as you will likely be taken via an inaccessible track. Please use the postcode DN14 7QN which will take you to Carr Lane in the village of Eastrington. Continue along Carr Lane for one mile, then around the 90-degree bend to the right at which the road becomes Sleights Lane. Do not to take the track which continues straight on here. Follow Sleights Lane for a third of a mile then turn left onto Barmby Lane. Do not to take the track which carries straight on. After 350 feet, you will arrive at the iron gated entrance of Woodland Lodge on your right.
Getting Here
If you are using a sat-nav to reach Woodland Lodge, please do not use the house address or our postcode to navigate, as you will likely be taken via an inaccessible track. Please use the postcode DN14 7QN which will take you to Carr Lane in the village of Eastrington. Continue along Carr Lane for one mile, then around the 90-degree bend to the right at which the road becomes Sleights Lane. Do not to take the track which continues straight on here. Follow Sleights Lane for a third of a mile then turn left onto Barmby Lane. Do not to take the track which carries straight on. After 350 feet, you will arrive at the iron gated entrance of Woodland Lodge on your right.
Getting Here
If you are using a sat-nav to reach Woodland Lodge, please do not use the house address or our postcode to navigate, as you will likely be taken via an inaccessible track. Please use the postcode DN14 7QN which will take you to Carr Lane in the village of Eastrington. Continue along Carr Lane for one mile, then around the 90-degree bend to the right at which the road becomes Sleights Lane. Do not to take the track which continues straight on here. Follow Sleights Lane for a third of a mile then turn left onto Barmby Lane. Do not to take the track which carries straight on. After 350 feet, you will arrive at the iron gated entrance of Woodland Lodge on your right.